just named Bryn Mawr Brewing Co. to its list of the most bike friendly breweries in the Twin Cities! Our Minneapolis location features access to three fantastic biking trails that branch out to all parts of the west metro.

Click here to see the entire list and read more!

south21Ask an everyday beer drinker where their beverage of choice comes from and they’ll likely respond with one of these smart responses: “…the liquor store”, “…the bar”, or “…my fridge”. That’s cute. Now, pose that same question to a Brewmaster and prepare yourself for a windfall of information on precisely where they brew, how long they’ve brewed there, and why they started brewing there in the first place.


For months, the same group of friends met in the same vinyl corner booth at a local St. Paul pub to plot out their dream of starting a craft brewery. After catching up and sharing a few stories, the conversation would turn to planning which styles of beer they would brew, how many people they would need to hire, where the brewery would be located, and the best way to scale production. The overall game plan was simple: Brew quality beer that people will enjoy experiencing over and over again with those closest to them.

bmb_logo_fornowsiteMinneapolis Eater has placed Bryn Mawr Brewing Co. on its list of The Nine Most Anticipated New Twin Cities Craft Breweries and Taprooms. We're so excited about this recognition and can't wait to live up to the hype!

See The Full List Here!

MSPBJ-Logo-Nameplate (Medium)Minneapolis St. Paul Business Journal sits down with Co-Owner Dan Justesen to talk about plans for his new brewery and its role in the development of the @Glenwood location.


"We want to be within the 10 largest in the state. Our goal is to go big or go home..."

Link to MSP Business Journal Article
