PURCHASE TICKETS HERE: https://bit.ly/4byOEfB
Grab a friend and see how quickly you can complete a 300 piece puzzle. Prizes will be awarded to the first, second, and third place pairs. There will also be door prizes. All pairs get to keep their competition puzzle.
Each pair will receive the same puzzle concealed in a bag. No one will see the puzzle before the timer starts. After a countdown, pairs will open their boxes and start puzzling. A competition judge will monitor teams and record finishing times. Once you have completed your puzzle, you may leave, or stay and work on another puzzle and enjoy a drink or two!
You may eat and drink while competing
No puzzling tools allowed! You may only use your hands and your brains
You are not allowed to distract or interfere with other competitors
Sunday, March 3rd
Utepils Bay 10 Private Event Space
4-5pm: Optional casual puzzling happy hour. Grab a drink and warm up for the main event! Practice puzzles will be provided.
5-7pm: Speed puzzling contest starts - It's your time to shine!
Register by February 18th so we can make sure the puzzles arrive on time.
There are no refunds, but if you are not able to make the event, we can arrange pick-up for your contest puzzle.